Lothian Divers Sub Aqua Club
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Diving takes place most weekends throughout the year, weather permitting.

It may be local evening or day trips or day and weekend trips to more distant sites, either shore or boat based.

A number of longer trips are also organised each year.

Recent destinations include
Ardnamurchan, Bass Rock, Clyde wrecks, Coll and Tiree, Farne Islands, Isle of May, Loch Long, Loch Fyne, Moray Firth, Scapa Flow, Skye, Sound of Arisaig, Sound of Mull, St Kilda, St Abbs

has a wide variety of diving in clear water, unrivaled in Europe. A grant from the Foundation for Sport and the Arts enabled us to buy a 5.3m rigid-hull inflatable boat which allows us to dive more remote sites, where few charter boats operate, as well as local sites such as wrecks of the Firth of Forth and around St. Abbs Head.

:Even with the excellent Scottish diving we have also been to hotter climes, Red Sea, Turkey etc.

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Updated 21 December 2024, 12:28:8